Wednesday 3 April 2013

Why Rent an Outfit instead of Buying One?

What if you could have access to an entire range of Designer clothes and accessories without having to buy a single one? What if there was a one stop-shop where Designer Wear would be available for hire, and you would no longer have to worry about spending a fortune for something you want to wear only once... What if those shopaholic guilt pangs could be over forever??!! This is exactly what Secret Wardrobe is all about... Welcome to India's first online rental service for Designer Wear -! Experience the joy and luxury of wearing gorgeous garments designed by some of India's most famous designers, without buying a single one! Dress like a superstar! Flaunt a new look on every occasion! Wear the same outfits as your favourite celebrities! Enjoy the experience of wearing a fabulous outfit at a fraction of the actual price!
  • There are tonnes of reasons to rent an outfit/accessory! Renting from Secret Wardrobe empowers you to choose from dozens of gorgeous Designer outfits at a fraction of the actual price.
  • Secret Wardrobe ensures that you never have to be seen in the same outfit twice. This way you can flaunt a new look for every occasion without blowing up a fortune and feeling guilty...!
  • Everyone dreams of looking awesome on their wedding day, but not everyone can afford to buy the bridal outfit of their dreams.Renting a bridal outfit or bridal jewellery can help fulfill this dream without making a deep hole in your pocket! Besides, the chance of you wearing your bridal outfit again after your own wedding is very very low!
  • You can also save a whole lot of cupboard space! Fancy outfits aren't just expensive to buy, they also take a lot of space to store and need to be regularly aired or maintained....

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